Every girls dream is to be able to do the splits! You see it on TV when the Olympics are on or even on dance competitions, it doesn’t matter what age you are, the splits are always magical.

Learning The Splits

Do you remember the first time you tried doing a split? I was younger and definitely way more flexible. I remember that became a goal of mine to get into a full split. Do you think I was successful?

The first time I tried doing a split was in ballet class when I was 7 years old. It was in first grade and all I wanted to do was perfect the splits! I remember practicing everyday at home after school so I could become more flexible and get it. Everyday I would get closer and closer to the floor as I practice my splits. And finally, I did a FULL split. I couldn’t believe it and I couldn’t wait to show it to my ballet teacher! It took days and it was still a struggle even at that age when you’re super flexible, but I learned that with practice, your body just gets better and you achieve your goals! So now that I’m a little bit older, I’m going back and trying to become the splits master again with a little help from our Burlesque Burn instructor, Erica. Don’t worry, she’ll teach us the best trick in the book— fake splits ?

Show off your fake splits or full splits on instagram and use #hsfteam so we can give you some love!

Fake Split Tutorial

Erica will teach you how to fake it til you make it babe! Add this sexy move to your repertoire and bust it out like no one’s watching.

Step 1:

Separate legs shoulder width apart

Step 2:

Bend down and reach the floor with both hands. If you’re can’t quite reach the floor, separate your legs further.

Step 4:

Slide your feet apart. And only go as far as it feels good. We don’t want any straining. Keep the weight on your feet and only use your arms for balance.

Step 5:

Tilt forward until your head reaches the floor and sweep your feet behind you with your belly down on the floor.

Step 6:

Let your booty lead you up and into a seated position.

Burlesque Dance Anytime, Anywhere

We’re your go-to on-demand dance classes. We incorporate fierce cardio dance and toning in our dance studio. PLUS, our workouts are always available 24/7, 365 days! Stay fit on your own schedule with us and try our dance workouts today.

Download Our 7 Day Dance And Detox And Learn Burlesque Dancing

For our 7 Day Dance And Detox Challenge, you get to try 4 premium dance workouts from our studio FREE! The complete challenge includes:
  • 7 days of dance workouts
  • burlesque dance classes with Erica
  • build muscle through resistance training
  • 11 healthy recipes that help give your metabolism a boost
  • Meal-by-meal plan
  • A supportive community of women and more…
…all yours for FREE!