Low carb flatbread that’s quick and easy to make? Count me in! This is one of my favorite convenient keto recipes and I know you’ll love it too.

Low Carb Craving Curbed

Who doesn’t crave bread? It gets even trickier if you’re on that keto lifestyle, but this recipe is not only super delish, it will also help you curb that craving. Living low carb doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your fave foods, you just have to reimagine them! That’s exactly what I did with this low carb flatbread recipe. Not only is this low carb flatbread scrumptiously gooey and crunchy on the sides, it only needs FIVE ingredients. That’s right, you can count it in one hand babe and you won’t believe how easy it is to make too. I love making mine on Sunday’s when I meal prep so that I have it ready for the week. You can store them in the fridge by stacking them with parchment paper then just grab them and go and pair it with hummus, meat and cheese, avocado and whatever else your heart is craving. Sometimes, I even eat these by themselves… they’re that good! I hope you enjoy this low carb flatbread recipe. Want more low carb recipes? Follow us on instagram and use #hipshaker for your food posts so we can give you some love too.

Low Carb Garlic Flatbread

Macros: Makes 8 servings

  • Calories 204
  • Carbs 1.3g
  • Protein 4g
  • Fat 16g


  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • ¾ cup arrowroot flour/powder
  • 1.5 Tbsp minced garlic
  • Sea salt to taste… a pinch or two


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until the consistency looks like pancake batter.
  2. On medium-high heat, put olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Use an ice cream scooper to pour the batter in the pan.
  3. Wait until the air bubbles in the middle of the batter pop then flip to the other side. Cook until edges are slightly brown.
  4. The flatbread will be a bit mushy at first so transfer to a cooling rack to make the consistency a bit harder.
  5. Store in reusable containers with parchment paper in between.

Download Our 6 Day Hip Hop Reboot And Get More Low Carb Recipes

For our 6 Day Hip Hop Reboot, you get to try 4 premium dance workouts from our studio FREE! The complete challenge includes:
  • 6 days of hip hop cardio dance workouts
  • build muscle through resistance training
  • 9 healthy recipes that help give your metabolism a boost
  • Meal-by-meal plan
  • A supportive community of women and more…
…all yours for FREE!